Crc Liquid Armour 4L
Crc Liquid Armour 4L
Features and Benefits:
Protects and restores a number of surfaces
Long-lasting, non-greasy protection and sheen – Repels water, guards against cracking, dulling, fading and UV damage
Surfaces become anti-static – Repelling dust and dirt
Non-toxic, non-flammable, pleasant fragrance
Use on vinyl, leather, rubber, plastic, fibreglass, chrome, dashboards and wood
UV protection
Car - Leather and vinyl seats and upholstery, vinyl tops, dashboards, tyres, rubber mats, chrome.
Home and Office - Leather and vinyl chairs, luggage, wood furniture, plastic, stereo/TV equipment, shoes, handbags, fibreglass.
Sporting Goods - Including golf bags, gun stocks, skis, flippers, wet suits.
Not suitable for floors, stairs or fabric or two-wheel vehicles and should be sprayed onto applicator such as rag etc and not directly on vehicle equipment.